Key figures & IR
Key Figures
Top professionals working on global energy challenges
Retail stations in the Nordics
Vision for a more sustainable future
St1 Nordic group structure
Associated companies
Our operations are strengthened by strategic long-term partnerships in various areas.

St1 Nordic Oy Management
Henrikki Talvitie
CEO, St1 Nordic Oy CEO, St1 Oy Head of Renewable Energy & Strategy (interim)
Kati Ylä-Autio

Daniel Wandebäck
Head of Sales and Brands
Sampsa Halinen
Head of Energy Trade & Logistics

Miika Eerola
Head of Refining, Investments & HSSE
Linda Pihl
Head of Business Technology
Tom Rinne
Head of HR
Lea Rankinen
Head of Sustainability and Corporate Affairs
Board of Directors
Mika Anttonen
Chairman of the Board of Directors St1 Nordic Oy
Kim Wiio
Board member Managing Director, Mininvest Oy
Kati Ihamäki
Board member Vice President Sustainability, Fiskars Group
St1 Nordic investor relations
Commercial paper programme
St1 Nordic has launched a EUR 200 million commercial paper program. Funds will be used for short-term working capital purposes. Danske Bank, Nordea and Swedbank act as dealers of the programme.
Financial Calendar
31 March 2025 - Financial Statements Release for the year 2024
31 March 2025 - Publication of the Integrated Report 2024
30 August 2025 - Interim Report January - June 2025
IR Contacts
If you have any questions regarding the business or investor relations activities of St1 Nordic Corporation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
St1 Nordic Oy, P.O. Box 68, FI-00521 Helsinki, Finland
Kati Ylä-Autio, CFO,, +358 10557 5263
Liisa Joenpolvi, Senior Advisor, Corporate Affairs,, +358 10557 2419
Inquiries related to shares of St1 Nordic Oy can be directed to:
St1 Code of Conduct
The St1 Code of Conduct sets the ground rules for us and our partners.
Unofficial translation
1 § The name of the company is St1 Nordic Oy; in Swedish, St1 Nordic AB; and in English, St1 Nordic Corporation.
2 § The company domicile is Helsinki.
3 § The sphere of operations of the company is trade, storage and manufacturing of fuels, owning of shares and holdings in companies in the energy sector or engaged in operations supporting or serving same, as well as providing and selling professional, finance, marketing and administrative services. The company may own shares or holdings in companies or entities, real estate, machinery and equipment and to buy, sell or lease the same, and sell, govern and rent patent, product and other immaterial rights.
4 § The company shall have a Board of Directors with one (1) to five (5) regular members, and at least one (1) deputy member if fewer than three (3) regular members are elected. Members of the Board of Directors are elected for an indefinite term of office.
5 § The Board of Directors collectively, the chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO both severally, and members of the Board of Directors two together, shall sign for the company. The Board of Directors may also assign a procuration or authorisation to sign for the company to specific individuals.
6 § The company shall have one regular auditor and one deputy auditor. If an audit firm is elected as auditor, a deputy auditor need not be elected.
7 § Notice of a General Meeting shall be delivered no earlier than two months and no later than one week prior to the General Meeting to each shareholder whose address is known to the company. The notice may also be sent by email to the address informed to the company by the shareholder.
8 § The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year within six (6) months of the end of the previous financial year, on a date determined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may decide that the shareholders may also attend the Annual General Meeting in such a way that a shareholder exercises his/her decision-making power by using a data communication connection and a technical device before or during the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors may also decide that the Annual General Meeting is organised without a meeting venue so that the shareholders exercise their full decision-making power in real-time by using a telecommunications connection and a technical device during the meeting.
At the Annual General Meeting, the following shall be decided:
1. adopting the financial statements, 2. disposing of the profit shown on the balance sheet, 3. discharging from liability the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO, 4. if necessary, electing the Board of Directors and the auditor.
9 § If a company share is transferred to a third party from a shareholder other than the company itself, the company shall be entitled to redeem such a share. The provisions of the Limited Liability Companies Act shall apply to the redemption.