EU LIFE Carbon Farming Scheme
St1 managed the EU LIFE Carbon Farming Scheme project 2020-2022. The primary purpose of the LIFE Carbon Farming project was to study and pilot carbon credit supply and demand to support the development of European climate policy and regulation. The objective of our project was to explore and suggest mechanisms for incentivising carbon farming and carbon forestry in order to increase carbon sinks by taking both public and private funding options into consideration. Our project partners represented the entire value chain, from farmers to research centres. St1 delivered a final report to the EU commission in April 2022, which was utilised in the development of the European Commission’s regulation proposal for certification framework for carbon removals.
The LIFE programme - Project Financier
The Life Carbon Farming project has received funding from the LIFE Preparatory Programme of the European Union. LIFE is the EU's financial instrument supporting environmental and nature conservation projects throughout the EU. Preparatory projects address specific needs for the development and implementation of EU environmental policy and law. The specific topics are indicated in the annual call for proposals.
Partners and Coordinator
The Consortio of the LIFE Carbon Farming Scheme project is as following: St1 (Coordinator), Baltic Action Sea Group BSAG, Tyynelä farm, Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke, and North European Oil Trade NEOT