Driving motivation through learning: A leadership journey

In a significant milestone, St1 Norway wrapped up its pioneering leadership development course that first kicked-off in August 2023, with strong results. All 139 site managers who enrolled have successfully completed the three-part learning journey, which encompassed a blend of digital modules and homework assignments. 

“We have three primary objectives in Retail Norway: ensuring customer satisfaction, fostering employee motivation, and promoting responsible operations. To achieve these objectives, we prioritise learning and development. We firmly believe that enhancing competence leads to increased engagement and fosters professional leadership. This will ultimately show in an enhanced customer experience, enabling us to become their preferred choice,” states Øyvind Andreassen, who oversees manned sites and the territory management team in Norway. St1 Norway operates approximately 300 Shell stations under a brand license agreement, with 220 of them being manned sites and the remainder being unmanned. 

In December, the 139 site managers received diplomas in recognition of their dedication. Sigrid Louise Philippart, Strategy and Communications Manager for Retail Norway, spearheaded the program’s development and expresses pride in the managers’ achievements. 

“Our managers lead teams in a medium-sized company that serves a critical infrastructure function, providing essential fuel and energy across Norway. The demands facing any modern energy station are diverse and evolving, so require continuous leadership development to navigate and overcome. This course provides all managers with equal opportunities for growth,” Sigrid comments. 

Motivated by their know-how and committed to excellence, St1 Norway is moving forward, where leadership isn’t just taught, but ingrained in every manager on the front lines of service and innovation. 

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